Bouquet of Sharpened Pencils


"Don't you love New York in the fall? It makes me wanna buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address."  One of my favorite lines from my favorite movie, You’ve Got Mail.

Earlier this month my mom bought me a pack of highlighters “for the start of a new school year” and it warmed my heart. I had them near my desk on my shelf (above) until my daughter stole them. They were too pretty just sitting there in her reach. Good thing I love all her artwork :)


Tips For Painting with Kids & Watercolor Wrapping Paper


We bought a home at the end of August and many of our non-essentials (like wrapping paper!) are still packed in boxes. We are celebrating my sister, (aka Aunt Bear’s), birthday tomorrow and Liv and I threw together some fun wrapping paper this morning. I hadn’t planned on using the painting for wrapping paper, but the colors were so fun! After showing Liv how to add water to the paint and mix it up, I just let her loose to paint. When she was ready to move on to a new fresh page I added some geometric shapes to her painting and we let it dry. I couldn’t find any tape, so I ended up using binder clips! :) (Worked pretty well if you’re ever in a bind!)

I’ve always dreamed of doing a lot of different types of art & art projects with my kids. I was just as excited as Liv to paint together this morning!!

A few tips I’ve discovered for painting with kids (Liv is 2.5 years old).

  1. -Use BIG pieces of paper! This helped us get Iess paint on the table.

  2. -If your child isn’t interested wait a few months and try again. Liv wasn’t really into the paint set when I bought it for her 2nd birthday (again, I was super excited about painting with her, haha). She wasn’t feeling it and got frustrated with adding water to the paint, butttttt a few months later and she was super pumped when I pulled it out this morning!

  3. -Use a bowl for the water and only put enough in to cover the bottom of the bowl: using a bowl helped us not knock it over (a cup was more dangerous)..and putting a TINY bit of water in also helped make the whole thing less dangerous! :)

  4. -don’t let the activity go on for too long! After about 20-30min Liv started painting her shirt and face that point we decided to wrap it up and go back to crayons haha :)

***The Mattise print above is from the MOMA online archives (ahhh, it’s amazing!). It’s a exhibition brochure that I discovered while digging through all the incredible stuff they have archived. Insanely cool documents!

Letters to Theo

Instagram Inspiration // ArtlexaChung

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@Artlexachung creating the perfect pairs! Two Spanish sisters, Sisters María and Beatriz Valdovín, are the masterminds behind this beautiful account. They describe their initial idea in an interview stating, "We are both educated on art and it's easy for us to combine her photos with the well-known masterpieces of Goya or Matisse. Sometimes it's so easy we have to wonder if Alexa was maybe copying their poses!" They are spot on with their combinations. Lovely!

(photos via)