Happy Friday! Bulldogs and Zebras


^^^ Meet this weeks FRIDAY FACE! (Is this the start of a trend?) His name's Bruno! If you follow me on instagram, you've already met Bruno, but seriously, how cute is he?? He was such a bruiser- that face, those teeth!!  I met another English bulldog last fall while visiting my sister in NYC. His name was Winston! Isn't that the perfect name for an English bulldog? He even had a union jack harness on. All bulldogs make me happy. ^^^ Yayyyyy for Fridayyyyyy!! ^^ A few other happy things from my week:

AgainstAllGrain^^Not the best picture, but one of my friends surprised me with the Against All Grain cookbook! That was SO sweet, Brittany!! I can't wait to try out more of the recipes. I've already started filling it with post it notes. I think I'll try the pie crust this weekend and use up some of our apples to make apple pie--yumm!


^^Gave this guy a hair cut last Sunday! Love it super short like this. I kind of get nervous cutting his hair, but it really is pretty  fool proof :)


^^I bottled my first batch of kombucha this week! If you haven't tried kombucha before, it's a raw, fermented, probiotic, and naturally carbonated tea. I don't even know a ton about its health benefits except that it has natural probiotics. The whole process involves a live organism that grows and causes the fermentation. The organism is called a SCOBY. Kinda gross, kinda awesome! :) I need to read up more! I'll post some info and pictures later. We like to buy it at  Whole Foods, but it's $4 a bottle, so I thought I'd experiment making our own. My friend Renee helped me get started! She's become a pro! ^^^


^^I pulled out my light table and started sketching/tracing some images this week for my graphic design project. It's nice to have a reason to play around. I'm fascinated by the fact that zebras have stripes and I love looking at positive/negative space relationships.  I took inspiration from this photograph.

Here are a few great things I spotted around the web this week:

Fall Make Up Trend-- don't know if I could pull that one off. Would you try?? This girl's got it down.

You can live in The Great Gatsby for only $800. Not bad.

I've had my eye on this dainty gold knuckle ring. 

Seth again, Better than free. 

Recreating this might be my weekend DIY project. YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS. Yes, YOU can!! :)

Any weekend plans? We'll just be hanging out and we have a cheap, fun, get dressed up date planned for Saturday night so I'm looking forward to that! :)





Happy FRIDAY!! I put this picture as the lock screen on my phone this week and it makes me smile. It's from my sweet friend's wedding in August (it was a BLAST). She had a great photo booth! Check out those props! Grant was lovin the miniature sombrero headband. Haha, yes it was a headband!! :) The bottom right, I'd like to call that my FRIDAY FACE!! and a fist pump! ;) Happy Friday, folks!! If you're interested, here's a  few great links from around the web. Some of my favorite blogs do a "link roundup//friday link pack" and I always think it's so interesting to see what people find on the internet. It's such a biggggg place :) It's fun to share! Have you read/seen anything cool recently? Here are a few things I found.....

Love this blog. He has an incredible capacity to think outside the box...The merchants of average.

Currently reading this book. So scientific. So interesting.

“Farewell? I never say farewell.”

Gorgeous blankets for winter nights.

SOMEONE has to make a more affordable version of this table. Woah. It's a stunner.

Domino is back!!! 

Frida! >>Here's to hoping we have a little girl! (At some point in the future!!) :)