Pumpkin Doughnuts + A Coupon + A Cookbook


If you aren't on the Sur La Table mailing list, you should be! :) I received a coupon in the mail for $10 off last week, so I took it in and got this doughnut pan for $1.14. Steal!! I also signed Grant up for the mailing list (haha!) so we'll get 2 coupons next time! :) The woman at Sur La Table said they'll be sending another coupon out before the holidays, so you can get a cheap doughnut pan too, if you sign up!

Doughnuts are one of my husband's favorite foods! We used to get the ones at the Farmer's Market all the time (on Saturdays) before we went grain free (we still do, occasionally! I mean seriously, how can you resist??). He had two tests the other week, so I decided as a treat to surprise him with doughnuts! I got this recipe from Danielle Walker's amazing blog, Against All Grain. She just came out with a cookbook last summer. It's one of the only cookbooks I feel like I would use every. single. week. I need to save up and buy it!! It's SO GOOD. If you're gluten/grain free or paleo, you would love her cookbook. Find the recipe here--->Baked Spice Pumpkin Doughnuts.

*The only change I made was using unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk instead of coconut milk because we were out. They were still really delicious.

In her recipe she says to "pour" the batter into the mold. I found that my batter was pretty thick and not really a pouring consistency. I ended up putting it into a ziplock bag and pipping it into the pan. It worked really well.

Even though powdered sugar is sugar and we usually try to limit our sugar, this was a treat and I went all out!! :) The powdered sugar really made them feel like doughnuts. Next time I make them I'll have to try her glaze recipes! Yum. A few more pictures to tempt you! :)


Ohhh the sugar, the powdered sugar!



P.S.  A few more delicious fall recipes: frittata pizza and butternut squash soup with apples & coconut cream

Superfood Frittata Pizza :: Kale, Onion, Sausage, Peppers and Broccoli ::


We planned to have this for Sunday brunch, but I didn't end up making it until the middle of the day, so it became dinner. Yum!! This was my first frittata and it was a hit! We both loved it. Last night I ate it with a little pesto on top and I also had it for breakfast this morning. :) Great protein punch and it's a perfect way to use up extra veggies that are close to going off. I always seem to have stray veggies that go bad. I'm trying to work on using them up, so they don't go to waste. Just chop what you have, add eggs, and bake! Here are the steps I followed:


PREHEAT OVEN:  350 degrees TOTAL COOK TIME: approx 40minutes (depends on how thick your frittata is) MY INGREDIENTS: >>> You can really use ANY veggies/protein that you want in your frittata. These are the ingredients that I used because I had them on hand. It was a good mix! 1 Turkey Kilbasa Sasuage (large link) 1 onion 1 green bell pepper 2 cups kale 1 1/2 c. broccoli florets 1 potato 15 eggs (my pan was huge!)

1 >> I sliced a potato that we had in our pantry using this mandolin and lined the bottom of the pan with the thin slices. *Optional, of course!

2>> I added a whole bunch of kale on top of the potatoes.

3>> After chopping up the sausage and veggies I added them on top of the kale + potatoes.

4>>  Whisk the eggs and add in your spices. I initially only used 10 eggs and then had to continue to add more to cover all my veggies. The pan I used was huge, so I think I ended up using 15 eggs (11 eggs, 4 egg white). I also used the Williams Sonoma pizza spice mix (pictured below) to add some good flavor! The mix has the following ingredients: Garlic, sun-dried tomato, California chili, cayenne pepper flakes, onion, sea salt, basil, oregano, rosemary, thyme, black pepper.

5>>  Pour eggs & spices over your veggies. Your eggs should cover all your veggies. Add more if you need to.

spices6>> Finally, bake your frittata for about 40minutes. Mine was really thick. I ended up broiling it for 7-8minutes at the end to finish cooking the center/top. You'll have to play around with the time depending on the size/thickness of your pan.

sideViewLike I said above, I ate my frittata slice with a bit of pesto on top! I was surprised how easy this meal came together. We'll probably have it for breakfast every day this week. That thing is a beast!! It's like 3 inches thick! haha. I'm sure you could make a frittata in a lasagna pan, too, or a ceramic baking dish.  At some point I want to try it with butternut squash layered on the bottom, or sweet potatoes layered throughout and maybe add in a little cheese next time. Yes. Yum. Enjoy!!!

sign off

P.S. A few other delicious fall recipes: butternut squash fries and butternut squash soup with apples & coconut cream